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Corrections and Criminal Justice


The Criminal Justice Technology curriculum is designed to provide knowledge of criminal justice systems and operations. Study will focus on local, state, and federal law enforcement, judicial processes, corrections, and security services. The criminal justice system’s role within society will be explored. 

Traffic Stop


Crime Scene Mock up




Course List/Descriptions: 

Introduction to Criminal Justice

In this class, students explore basic criminal justice issues including: law enforcement, courts, and corrections, as well as how they all work together.  Students examine the criminal justice process, jobs in each part of the field, what is required to obtain these professional positions, and current salaries associated with the various jobs.  Students will also learn some theories of why people commit crimes, how the law is applied, and how the law affects community/society.  Students will explore the real-world application of the Bill of Rights and other Constitutional amendments, and case law. Students will be introduced report writing, basic investigation processes, forensic science technology, and theory.  Students will learn to identify what reasonable suspicion is vs. probable cause, and they will practice  interpeting laws and breaking  them down to each element to see how actions vs law "fit" together in a real-world scenarios. Students are introduced to dispatch operations as well as crime scene processing and documentation through interactive and fun classroom activities that include guest speakers from different local and state law enforcement agencies. 
Hands-on learning activites include: 
A smaller detailed crime scene with physical and trace evidence
The Missy Hammond Cold case investigation and documentation processes
Field forensics including lifting fingerprints and rolling prints
Blood typing and DNA analysis
Evidence collection and documentation
Crime scene photography introduction
Court procedures
Mock court trial
In-class debates
Crisis intervention
De-escalation techniques
Interview and interrogation
Chris Watts crime investigation review including polygraph explanation and theory
Advanced Criminal Justice
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Introduction to Criminal Justice
In this course, during the first month of school, students will learn the roles that coroners' and medical examiners' play in investigations including an autopsy of an animal. 
Students will engage in responding to calls and situations and participate in a more detailed criminal investigation.  Practical applications of the law, law interpretation (meaning of the law vs. letter of the law) will be conducted.  Students will also examine how attorneys and courts use and apply the law.  Students will explore case law and how it affects state law and the legal applications of the law.  Students will also participate in interactive and fun classroom activities that include guest speakers from different local and state law enforcement agencies. 
Hands-on classroom activities will include:
Crisis intervention
Verbal judo (certification) 
Fingerprinting, DNA fingerprints, and advanced crime scene investigative techniques
Students will learn how to obtain filed off serial numbers from metal items such as cars
Students will obtain better radio usage, dispatch operations, communications for criminal justice, report writing techniques, practical applications of evidence triangulation and documentation, 
Students can obtain CPR / First aid and AED for first responders, 
Critical incident evaluations / methods
Detailed enforcement in traffic
Traffic control and methods
Community safety
Mental health issues, evaluations for first responders, and responding to the mental health crisis
Students will learn basic arrest control techniques
Advanced and enhanced forensic techniques will be learned, such as fuming for fingerprints, using alternate light sources and regents, utilizing chemical-based science such as luminal to detect blood, analyzing injuries and in-depth crime scene documentation and photography, Digital fingerprinting techniques, heated fingerprint obtainment, Evidence collection methods, and documentation.
Coming Soon Pending Funding and Purchase Approval:
Driving simulator
FATS machine simulator 
Other Opportunities:
***Official Certifications in finger printing and other areas that count towards college courses and/or employment in the criminal justice field
***Ability to Letter in South Criminal Justice
***Criminal Justice Club: Meets afterschool and on weekends for extended hands on activites and field trips
For more information, email Mr. Grable or call 719.549.7255.
