Principal's Message
On behalf of our faculty and staff, I am pleased to welcome you to South High School located in Pueblo, Colorado. Home of Colt Nation!
We are proud of our outstanding tradition of excellence in academics, athletics, extracurricular activities, and community involvement. Our legacy is indeed the endless stories of success, achievement, and courage of those who once walked our halls and who continue to inspire the next generations.
At South, our teachers and staff maintain an exciting, safe, and challenging learning environment, where all students can thrive. Promoting a culture of doing “Something Extra for South,” and for one another, we celebrate individuality and embrace each student’s passions.
With guidance from our counseling team and with over 150 classes to choose from, students develop a pathway-specific to their personal development goals and aspirations after high school. We take pride in guiding our graduates to obtain the most prestigious scholarships and placement to a college program that best aligns with their strengths.
South Colts cherish the value of the classroom-learning experience and appreciate the tools, resources, and instruction provided to them. Colt graduates are finding success in a wide range of studies, and are advancing into life after high school with an enriched perspective earned from challenging learning experiences, a vibrant curriculum, and endless encouragement from a caring Colt community.
At South High, we are proud of our award-winning bands and vocal music programs. Our teams and organizations consistently advance to area, regional, and state competitions. In addition, our Career and Technical offerings are not only serving our community with prime workforce candidates but are also, positioning graduates with skill sets and real-world experiences posturing them perfectly for the college setting.
We appreciate the sustained support provided so unselfishly by our parents, community members, local businesses, and the South High School Alumni Foundation. As a whole, the South High community pledges to continue to work tirelessly to make our academic and extracurricular programs even stronger to ensure our students are college or workforce ready upon graduation.
I am excited about working with your student, and I thank you for trusting us with his or her education.
Michael Kovac