Extra For
The following list of traditions will be followed:
(1983, South High Charter Club)
1. School Colors: Black and White will be the school colors used for all uniforms.
2. Black and White Day will be every Thursday and on Homecoming assembly day.
3. Annual cover will be predominantly black and white. The theme will be Remuda.
4. School Song and Alma Mater, written by Martha Gorder, will be the official songs of South High School.
5. Horseshoe will always be displayed with open end up.
6. School emblem/logo will be the horseshoe with torch, scroll, etc. with “Colts” across it.
7. Official mascot will be the COLT.
8. Seniors will be clapped out at the end of each assembly.
9. School motto shall be “Something Extra For South.”
School Colors
Mr. David Wilkerson, the first principal of South, actually chose two non-colors to identify our school. Mr. Wilkerson felt that BLACK & WHITE best would present our teams in the most attractive manner because they are classic and formal. South always presents a distinctive appearance to our sister schools and the community.
School Motto
The school motto: "Something Extra for South" has come to represent our ideal of school and community responsibility. The staff and students of our school believe in the value of service and all organizations work toward that goal.
The Cannon
The Civil War cannon is the trophy awarded to the winner of the annual rivalry game played between South High and East High schools at Dutch Clark Stadium. Established in 1976, this annual gridiron matchup features week-long festivities and full community-wide excitement leading up to the game.
School Song
The South High Song is unique in its history. It has been copyrighted and belongs to South High School alone. Ms. Martha Gorder, one of the charter staff, wrote the song at the request of Principal Wilkerson. Ms. Gorder sent her song to a friend in the world-famous music department of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Movie Studios, and she created the arrangement that we use today. Ms. Gorder paid with a box of cookies for a professional arrangement that otherwise would have cost thousands of dollars.
Class Ring
The design of the official South High School ring was determined and shaped by the first classes of South High. Representatives of the world's largest manufacturer of class rings, the Jostens Company, met with our students and designed a ring based upon their specific instructions. The exact style became a signature style offered by Jostens for nearly four decades, influencing high school ring design nationwide.